Conveniently located next to the hospital, our Primary Care Clinic offers fast, friendly, and reliable primary care to patients of all ages. We accept Medicare, Medicaid, BCBS, Capital Health Plan, and most all other major insurances. Our team of local providers consider it an honor to serve the communities where they were raised. Jared Barber, MD Dr. Jared Barber attended […]
CLH Helps Patients Transition From Hospital to Home
Fifty-six years ago, L.B. Arnold (81) and his wife, Sybil, visited Calhoun Liberty Hospital brought their first child into the world at Calhoun Liberty Hospital. They went on to have another daughter, and recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Over the years, they have raised a beautiful family and been active in their community. L.B. served as a Liberty County […]

CLH Continues to Expand Local Access to Healthcare Services
Calhoun Liberty Hospital aims to improve local access to healthcare services. With this goal in mind, they now offer local mammograms, pulmonary rehabilitation, and infusion therapy. Why travel out of town when you can receive quality care, right here at home? Mammography Early detection is key! CLH offers comprehensive mammography services right here in Blountstown. Our team of caring professionals […]

Construction of a New Calhoun Liberty Hospital is Well Underway!
Footings, foundations and slabs have been installed at the site of the new Calhoun Liberty Hospital as construction is well underway and on schedule. With block work complete, the building should start taking shape this month. Construction is being done by Hoar Construction of Orlando, Fla. Hoar was founded in 1940 and launched its healthcare sector in 1991 in addition […]

Calhoun Liberty Hospital Earns Top 100 Critical Access Hospital Award From the Chartis Center for Rural Health
For the first time, Calhoun Liberty Hospital (CLH), a Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare Affiliate, has been recognized as one of the nation’s Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals by The Chartis Center for Rural Health. Chartis’ annual Top 100 award program recognizes outstanding performance among rural hospitals based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX®. “This recognition is a […]
New Leadership Team at the Helm of CLH
There are several new faces at the helm of Calhoun Liberty Hospital (CLH). J.C. Miller assumed the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in January, and Yarah Dieppa-Corbin, RN joined the CLH team in February as Chief Nursing Officer (CNO). After joining CLH in March as interim Chief Administrative Officer, Emily Brown, MSN was named Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in […]