CLH Continues to Expand Local Access to Healthcare Services

Calhoun Liberty Hospital aims to improve local access to healthcare services. With this goal in mind, they now offer local mammograms, pulmonary rehabilitation, and infusion therapy. Why travel out of town when you can receive quality care, right here at home?
Early detection is key! CLH offers comprehensive mammography services right here in Blountstown. Our team of caring professionals understand that mammograms aren’t always comfortable, but we’re here to make your experience as stress-free as possible.
Schedule your mammogram today and take control of your health. Call us at 850- 674-5411 Ext. 216.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
The outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at CLH is a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary rehabilitation program. The program is designed to improve lung function, reduce symptom severity and improve quality of life for patients with pulmonary conditions.
For more information call Jeana Allen at 850-674-5411 ext. 232.
Infusion Therapy
CLH recognized the need in our community for infusion therapies. Many diseases require routine infusion therapy where medications are administered through an injection or an intravenous route. We can administer most medications, with the exception of chemotherapy drugs.
Call 850-674-5411 for more information.