Calhoun Liberty Hospital Earns Top 100 Critical Access Hospital Award From the Chartis Center for Rural Health

For the first time, Calhoun Liberty Hospital (CLH), a Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare Affiliate, has been recognized as one of the nation’s Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals by The Chartis Center for Rural Health. Chartis’ annual Top 100 award program recognizes outstanding performance among rural hospitals based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX®.
“This recognition is a testament to the strong team of dedicated colleagues we have at Calhoun Liberty Hospital,” said former CEO Chris Jepsen. “Our facility has faced many challenges over the past several years, and this honor shows that we have persevered and are poised for success in 2024.”
Now in its 14th year, the INDEX is the industry’s most comprehensive and objective assessment of rural hospital performance. Featuring a methodology utilizing publicly available data, the INDEX is leveraged nationwide by rural hospitals, health systems with rural affiliates, hospital associations and state offices of rural health to measure and monitor performance across a variety of areas impacting hospital operations and finance.
“During an era of profound uncertainty for rural healthcare, the Top 100 rural hospitals continue to provide a unique lens through which we can identify innovation and inspiration for how to deliver high quality care to increasingly vulnerable populations,” said Michael Topchik, National Leader for The Chartis Center for Rural Health. “We’re delighted to be able to recognize all this year’s Top 100 but especially the more than 40 first-time recipients across both categories. It’s wonderful to see so many new facilities join the ranks of our Top 100 alumni.”
Of the 6,120 hospitals in the U.S., approximately 1,350 are critical access hospitals, a designation given to eligible rural hospitals by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Congress created the designation in 1997, and it is designed to reduce financial vulnerability of rural hospitals and improve access to healthcare in rural communities. Critical access hospitals must be in a rural area more than 35 miles from other hospitals and must provide emergency services 24 hours a day, among other requirements.
Calhoun Liberty Hospital has faced challenges in the past, chief among them the devastating effects of Hurricane Michael in 2018. The hospital has since been on a path of growth and improvement, which will culminate with the opening of a new hospital, now under construction, projected for summer of 2025.